Thursday, September 5, 2013

Introductions, Moose, and the Daily Discussion Question

It all started with a moose! I know what you're thinking.  How could a moose be part of this story about a Southerner? Well, you see, I have this weird obsession.  I kind of have a fierce love for, well, um...there's only one way to say it - MOOSE

I LOVE all things moose!  I don't know where the obsession began or even how.  I've just always thought they were THE coolest critters out there.  Only now that I think of it, a hazy memory of Disneyland begins to surface.  A dark theater.  An excited hush in the air.  And then spotlights shine on the wall.  And there, lit up in all his animatronic glory - A TALKING moose.  And just like that, BOOM, moose love. Crazy world, isn't it? I've not lost that adoration in all my years. I'm still crazy about all things Disney, too.  Coincidence?

Now that I've made my disclaimer - on to introductions & today's post.  I started thinking about writing a blog about my life & experiences a good while back.  Several people have encouraged me to write my life story. I often joke it will read like a Lifetime Movie marathon.  I cannot claim a lack of excitement (be it good or bad) in my few short years (hey! age is relative!).

Anyhoo, I guess I have put it off because of that still, soft voice in my head that whispers "Dawn. Really. Who wants to read about a quirky, hippie-esque, nerd and all her various & sundry trials & tribulations?"  I recently received so many new requests, though, so today, in a bold move, I told that voice to take a hike! Ha!

And, so, here I am.  My name is Dawn.  In the last big hippie hoorah of 1969, I was born in California and adopted as a baby. When I was two, we moved to Louisiana.  And a weird mish mash of California meets Louisiana came together to help create the person I am today.   I am the mother of a 24 year old daughter and wife to my husband still in our honeymoon years (married Nov 2010). I am also the proud human of a 10 year old Shih-Tzu, Rufus, and a 2 year old lab mix, Hudson (who, is as big as a moose - LOL).  Those are the stats.  The juicy stuff you'll just have to wait for it to be revealed over time. (neener neener)

Now onto the big question - "WHAT, exactly, is your blog about?"  Well, mostly it will serve as a forum for me to chronicle my life story so far & as it unfolds.  Also, it will be a chance for you, my readers, to benefit from my years of extensive research and self inflicted guinea pig trials of health management issues, alternative & complementary therapies, and just about anything else that has had an effect on the overarching theme of my life - hanging on for DEAR life!  I also want to encourage you all to make comments below.  You can comment on the day's posts or answer the daily discussion question, or just give a shout out! I'd love to hear from you. <3

Oh, and I'm going to try my best to include a moose-ism in my weekly postings.  We'll see how that works out.

So, how do moose play into my post today?  Well, I'll tell you.  I've had a whirlwind of a ride on the health train from Hell.  During the most emotional of all my recent surgeries was my emergency hysterectomy.  The HORMONES! Oh, and that small yet powerful sense of loss of what still (though highly unlikely) could have been another child just crushed me.  And that's when Moosie came into my life.

Who is Moosie, you ask? Well, that's him as my avatar.  It's a pillow pet.  A MOOSE pillow pet. (Squeee!)  Yes, my dear husband, who incidentally supports my weird obsession even as he shakes his head in befuddlement, searched high & low for a moose pillow.  He presented this to me the day of my surgery.

You may know this already, but one of the things suggested to women to get through this particular surgery is a small pillow to hold onto for those times when you invariably need to sneeze, cough, laugh, ahem fart - all to soothe the sharp pains felt in your belly where your baby making machinery was dismantled.  Things in there take a while to heal up & parts left behind take some time grumping around in there adjusting to the new roominess. 

So, that moose pillow turned out to be the BEST thing I have EVER received as a get well gesture!  Not just because he's a moose, and a darned cute one at that, but because his soft fur soaked up my tears as I vacillated between laughing ridiculously at nothing much at all and sobbing at pretty much nothing at all.  I still sleep with that silly moose snuggled up to my side.  And my dear man just continues to shake his head.

That, my dear readers, concludes today's ramblings.  Have you ever received something during a difficult time in your life that made a big difference?  What was it? How did it help you?  If you'd like to share, I'd love to hear about it.

Until, tomorrow.  I'm off to dreamland now, snuggling up to good ole Moosie Moose.  G'nite all.


  1. Yes I have. In the hardest part of my life God sent a shining star. That star is you my love.

  2. Aw! Now, you've gone and done it again. Where's my moosie moose? I think I need to shed a tear. :) Love you, sweetie.


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