Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oh, No! It's the OOGIES....Run for your LIVES!!! Or, you could simply do this...

Someone was curious about HIS new blog!

Personal Story

So, today is kind of a bad day for me.  My recent tumble which left me with a broken right ankle is causing me some serious pain.  It's also the reason I've missed out on some important events.  So, today I'm mad at my foot.  What good does that do?  Nada. Zilch. Zip.  But, for some reason today I'm just feeling "oogie" and I can't seem to shake it.  You know, blah, grumph, bleh.  I've had to remind myself of things that I can do to bring myself out of my funk. I've got a big ole case of the oogie virus.
Oogie Virus, Funk Strain

And that brings me to today's story.  People often ask me how I do what I do.  If you are wondering what the "it" is, join the club. LOL  I just go on living like anyone else.  Sure, I'm more of a flying unicorn amongst the rainbows and sunbeams kind of person, but I have my days where the clouds roll in, the unicorn develops a nasty head cold, and the rainbow droops and sags and the mean tempered leprechaun makes off with all the gold, laughing like a maniacal serial killer.  Yeah, today's one of those days.

Gather 'Round the Fire
Anyway, how do I "do it."  I'll tell you of my #1 coping strategy for when life throws you lemons & you have a profound dislike of lemonade.  Or you've had so much lemonade, if you have one more sip, you'll hurl.  You get my drift.

Listen closely, friends, because this one is a doozy.  Are you ready for it?

You sure?

Okay, here it is:

I make lists. Yep, lists.  It doesn't matter what the list is about.  It could be a list of my favorite words, the colors of all the houses I've lived in, the places in the world I'd love to travel to some day.  Whatever floats my boat. Trip planning, especially Disney World trips are a favorite of mine.  Excel spreadsheets are my friends.  They understand me. They allow me to arrange, rearrange, add, subtract, create columns, rows, charts, color coded & bulleted lines, etc. etc.  Bliss, my friends.  True bliss.  Making lists is therapeutic for me.

Infected Me - Building my EXCEL File LISTS

But there is one important step I take first.

In order to really get all I can out of my list making, I must first try to purge the oogie virus from my system.  I have a few methods for this:
(1) indulge in some pity party madness, which usually includes some sort of chocolate or pastry. 
(2) listen to music - feel good music that may be cheesy & dated, but hey, it's your music so play it loud & proud - and sing along
(3) If it's a certain person or persons giving me the oogies, I make up scenarios in my head that I'd never try in real life, but in my head, feel oh so good.  

(4) I decide to make a list.

Some might call what I do control-freakish.  That's okay.  Because I have ZERO control over most things. In fact, when people are asking how I do it, the "it" is invariably completely outside my scope of control.

But, I have COMPLETE domination over my lists!  MUWAHAHA! And this gives me a feeling of satisfaction, confidence, and  believe it or not, joy.

So, if you're having an oogie day, week, month, year...  try list making.  If you want to exert control over the situation, make your list count.  List what it is you need to know about your circumstances and then use this list to find the answers. It doesn't have to be perfect.  No one is grading you.  No one else ever has to see your list. But, whatever you do, just begin.  Believe me, you will find some sense of satisfaction. And hopefully, you will purge the oogie virus from your system.

Buh Bye, Oogies!

Daily A-Moose-Ment

Daily Discussion Topic/Question
When you get a case of the oogies, what do you do to get rid of the funk?

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